It’s november, and I’ve decided this month that I’m going to do 30 projects in 30 days. It’s an all-month hack-a-thon!
Today’s project is Hack-A-Machine (demo, source). It’s a whimsical VM you can play around with.
I liked this one, but it really didn’t fit into a day too well.

Features include:
- Edit, save, and share programs!
- Visual debugger with step, run, pause, and stop!
- One example program!
- Weird arithmetic!
- Negative-364 based addressing!
- “Touchscreen” display!
- “Ticker tape” input and output!
- 21 never before seen instructions!
- Optional registration!
Sadly not in the “one day” category are
- good compiler errors
- line numbering
- line highlighting when stepping through code
- syntax highlighting
- the entire machine 100% working (I tested a little!)
- fixing all the bugs (there’s a particularly nasty one where you have to save before you run)