Hack-A-Day, Day 13: Blueprint Maker

Hack-A-Day is a challenge to try and finish 30 projects in 30 days in November.

Today I tried to write a tool to make a floorplan. You can try it here. As usual the source code is on github.

This was an ambitious project for one day, and I didn’t finish everything I wanted. My original goal was to support

  • drawing and erasing rectangles (done)
  • adding, editing, deleting, and moving text labels (not done)
  • adding, deleting, and moving icons (mostly not done)
  • autosave (done)
  • undo support (done)
  • zoom and pan (not done)
  • sharing finished projects (stretch goal, not done)

What I did do was pleasantly high-quality, and I made pretty good progress.

Hack-A-Day: Hack-A-TV-Guide

It’s no longer november, but I’m still doing a project a day. It’s an all-month hack-a-thon!

Yesterday’s project was Hack-A-TV-Guide (demo, source). It’s a TV Guide generated from Wikipedia. I got the idea from having written isrickandmortyout.com. Why not do the same thing, but for every show?

I’m going to call this one a flop. There’s a good version of this project, but I ran out of time. Basically all it does is display info about a show, which is not very useful.

Hack-A-Day: Hack-An-MMO

It’s november, and I’ve decided this month that I’m going to do 30 projects in 30 days. It’s an all-month hack-a-thon!

This is November 30th, so this will be the last project.

Today’s project is Hack-An-MMO (demo, source). It’s a small collaborative art RPG. You can draw people, places, and things to populate the tiny world. Have fun!