Roll-your-own git push-to-deploy, and markdown support

Today I added support for development of using git:

# !/bin/sh
# /git/bare-repos/
cd ~za3k/public_html
env -i git pull
echo "Deployed"

and markdown support, via a cgi markdown wrapper someone wrote for apache (yes, I’m still using Apache).

Edit: I ended up wanting support for tables in markdown, so I used Ruby‘s redcarpet markdown gem (the same thing Github uses, supports this style of tables as well as code blocks).

CGI support via

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Android backup on arch linux

Edit: See here for an automatic version of the backup portion.

Connecting android to Windows and Mac, pretty easy. On arch linux? Major pain. Here’s what I did, mostly via the help of the arch wiki:

  1. Rooted my phone. Otherwise you can’t back up major parts of the file system (including text messages and most application data) [EDIT: Actually, you can’t back these up over MTP even once you root your phone. Oops.]
  2. Installed jmtpfs, a FUSE filesystem for mounting MTP, the new alternative to mount-as-storage on portable devices.
  3. Enabled ‘user_allow_other’ in /etc/fuse.conf. I’m not sure if I needed to, but I did.
  4. Plugged in the phone, and mounted the filesystem:

    jmtpfs /media/android

    The biggest pitfall I had was that if the phone’s screen is not unlocked at this point, mysterious failures will pop up later.

  5. Synced the contents of the phone. For reasons I didn’t diagnose (I assume specific to FUSE), this actually fails as root:

    rsync -aAXv --progress --fake-super --one-file-system /media/android --delete --delete-excluded "$SYNC_DESTINATION"
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Archiving twitter


I wanted to archive twitter so that I could

  1. Make sure old content was easily available
  2. Read twitter in a one-per-line format without ever logging into the site

twitter_ebooks is a framework to make twitter bots, but it includes an ‘archive’ component to fetch historical account content which is apparently unique in that it 1) works with current TLS and 2) works the current twitter API. It stores the tweets in a JSON format which presumably matches the API return values. Usage is simple:

while read account
    ebooks archive "${account}" "archive/${account}.json"
    jq -r 'reverse | .\[\] | "\\(.created\_at|@sh)\\t \\(.text|@sh)"' "archive/${account}.json" >"archive/${account}.txt"

I ran into a bug with upstream incompatibilities which is easily fixed. Another caveat is that the twitter API only allows access 3200 tweets back in time for an account–all the more reason to set up archiving ASAP. Twitter’s rate-limiting is also extreme (15-180 req/15 min), and I’m worried about a problem where my naive script can’t make it through a list of more than 15 accounts even with no updates.

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Archiving github

GitHub-Backup is a small project to archive github repos to a local computer. It advertises that one reason to use it is

You are paranoid tinfoil-hat wearer who needs to back up everything in triplicate on a variety of outdated tape media.

which describes why I was searching it out perfectly.

I made a new account on my server (github) and cloned their repo.

sudo useradd -m github
sudo -i- u github
git clone

Despite being semi-unmaintained, everything mostly works still. There were two exceptions–some major design problems around private repos. I only need to back up my public repos really, so I ‘solved’ this by issuing an Oauth token that only knows about public repos. And second, a small patch to work around a bug with User objects in the underlying Github egg:

-       os.system("git config --local gitweb.owner %s"%(shell_escape("%s <%s>"%(,"utf-8"))),))
+       if hasattr(repo.user, 'email') and
+               os.system("git config --local gitweb.owner %s"%(shell_escape("%s <%s>"%(,"utf-8"))),))

Then I just shoved everything into a cron task and we’re good to go.

@hourly GitHub-Backup/ -m -t  vanceza /home/github/vanceza

Edit: There’s a similar project for bitbucket I haven’t tried out:

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Setting up SSL certificates using StartSSL

  1. Generate an SSL/TLS key, which will be used to actually encrypt traffic.
    openssl genrsa -out ${DOMAIN}.key 4096
    chmod 700 ${DOMAIN}.key
  2. Generate a Certificate Signing Request, which is sent to your authentication provider. The details here will have to match the details they have on file (for StartSSL, just the domain name).

    # -subj "/C=US/ST=/L=/O=/CN=${DOMAIN}" can be omitted to fill in custom identification details
    # -sha512 is the hash of your key used for identification. This was the reasonable option in Oct 2014. It isn't supported by IE6
    openssl req -new -key ${DOMAIN}.key -out ${DOMAIN}.csr -subj "/C=US/ST=/L=/O=/CN=${DOMAIN}" -sha512
  3. Submit your Certificate Signing Request to your authentication provider. Assuming the signing request details match whatever they know about you, they’ll return you a certificate. You should also make sure to grab any intermediate and root certificates here.

    echo "Saved certificate" > ${DOMAIN}.crt
    wget # Intermediate and root certificate for StartSSL
  4. Combine the chain of trust (key, CSR, certificate, intermediate certificates(s), root certificate) into a single file with concatenation. Leaving out the key will give you a combined certificate of trust for the key, which you may need for other applications.

    cat ${DOMAIN}.crt sca.server1.crt >${DOMAIN}.pem # Main cert
    cat ${DOMAIN}.key ${DOMAIN}.crt sca.server1.crt ca.crt >${DOMAIN}.full.pem
    chmod 700 ${DOMAIN}.full.pem

See also:

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