Setting up SSL certificates using StartSSL

    1. Generate an SSL/TLS key, which will be used to actually encrypt traffic.
      openssl genrsa -out ${DOMAIN}.key 4096
      chmod 700 ${DOMAIN}.key
    2. Generate a Certificate Signing Request, which is sent to your authentication provider. The details here will have to match the details they have on file (for StartSSL, just the domain name).
      # -subj "/C=US/ST=/L=/O=/CN=${DOMAIN}" can be omitted to fill in custom identification details
      # -sha512 is the hash of your key used for identification. This was the reasonable option in Oct 2014. It isn't supported by IE6
      openssl req -new -key ${DOMAIN}.key -out ${DOMAIN}.csr -subj "/C=US/ST=/L=/O=/CN=${DOMAIN}" -sha512
    3. Submit your Certificate Signing Request to your authentication provider. Assuming the signing request details match whatever they know about you, they’ll return you a certificate. You should also make sure to grab any intermediate and root certificates here.
      echo "Saved certificate" > ${DOMAIN}.crt
      wget # Intermediate and root certificate for StartSSL
    4. Combine the chain of trust (key, CSR, certificate, intermediate certificates(s), root certificate) into a single file with concatenation. Leaving out the key will give you a combined certificate of trust for the key, which you may need for other applications.
      cat ${DOMAIN}.crt sca.server1.crt >${DOMAIN}.pem # Main cert
      cat ${DOMAIN}.key ${DOMAIN}.crt sca.server1.crt ca.crt >${DOMAIN}.full.pem
      chmod 700 ${DOMAIN}.full.pem

See also:

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