Board Game Travel Kit

I condensed some of card games into one box:

Left to right: Doomlings, Star Realms, The Mind, Chrononauts, FitzIt, Are you the traitor?, Are you a werewolf?, Hanabi, Set, Icehouse/Zendo rules, regular playing cards
Left to right: Doomlings, Star Realms, The Mind, Chrononauts, FitzIt, Are you the traitor?, Are you a werewolf?, Hanabi, Set, Icehouse/Zendo rules, regular playing cards

I’ve noticed that board game boxes tend to be a little big. I combined five into one box:

Azul, Settlers of Catan, Clank, Concept, Nuclear War
Azul, Settlers of Catan, Clank, Concept, Nuclear War
This is “portable” if you have a car trunk, maybe! It’s heavy as heck.
This is “portable” if you have a car trunk, maybe! It’s heavy as heck.
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