I consider Dead Tree Publishing to be Good Enough at this point. It’s launched.

I’m going to add support for URLs instead of uploading PDFs, and fix some bugs here for there, but it’s essentially done.
Meanwhile, I’ve already received my first physical book I’m publishing through the site. I got this nice email from Eric Eve:
Dear Zachary,
Thank you for your interest in my work. Yes, do please feel free to offer print copies of the TADS 3 Tour Guide (or any other of my TADS 3 documentation) along the lines you suggest. The only copyright right I’m interested in enforcing is my right to be identified as the author of the work, and I'm sure that's not as issue here.
Best wishes,
Out of curiosity, why did you stop the service?
This was launched in 2015, and you’re the first person to ask me about the the service since. That should give you an idea of the popularity. I’m very bad at marketing, to be fair, so it’s not totally clear that means the service was undesirable.
So when I eventually ran into some problem with active maintenance (the site needed updating to keep working, or something of that kind), I just didn’t.
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